


FunctionGHW posted @ 2013年3月05日 21:22 in C语言 with tags c 递归 Horner规则 , 1766 阅读


《数据结构基础(C语言版)(第2版)》(Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd) 看到的一个小题目——Horner规则。一个递归版本,一个迭代版本,原来是两篇博文(好吧,纯属凑数)。不过这个递归算是我首次尝试写递归程序了。其实感觉迭代比递归更好,毕竟程序太小。重在思想吧,递归的形式确实简洁点。


#include <stdio.h>

 *   对 A(x) = a[n]x^n + a[n-1]x^(n-1) + ... + a[1]x^1 + a[0]x^0
 *     有A(x) = (...((a[n]x + a[n-1])x + ... + a[1])x + a[0])
 *   这是个递归实现:
 *     coeffi_array: 系数数组首地址;
 *     max_index: 系数数组的最后一项的索引(上式中的 n );
 *     x: 呵呵,未知数呗. 用具体的数带入
 *   Note: 规定在多项式的常数项中(a[0]), 有 0^0 = 1.
 * */
int horner_recursive(const int *coeffi_array, int max_index, int x)
    if ( !max_index )
        return *coeffi_array;
    return horner_recursive(coeffi_array + 1, max_index - 1, x) * x + *coeffi_array;

//Application start.
int main(void)
    int result = 0, 
        i = 0, 
        x = 0, 
        amount = 0;
        printf("Input the amount of coefficients(include zero.):");
        scanf("%d", &amount);
    } while (amount <= 0);

    int a[amount];
    printf("Input the cofficients(Like:x,y,z  or  x y z):");
    for (i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
        scanf("%d", &a[i]);

    printf("Input the x:");
    scanf("%d", &x);

    result = horner_recursive(a, amount - 1, x);
    printf("The result is :%d", result);

    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

 *   对 A(x) = a[n]x^n + a[n-1]x^(n-1) + ... + a[1]x^1 + a[0]x^0
 *     有A(x) = (...((a[n]x + a[n-1])x + ... + a[1])x + a[0])
 *   这是个迭代实现:
 *     coeffi_array: 系数数组首地址;
 *     max_index: 系数数组的最后一项的索引(上式中的 n );
 *     x: 呵呵,未知数呗. 用具体的数带入
 *   Note: 规定在多项式的常数项中(a[0]), 有 0^0 = 1.
 * */
int horner_iterative(const int *coeffi_array, int max_index, int x)
    int result = coeffi_array[max_index];
        result = result * x + coeffi_array[--max_index];
    return result;

//Application start.
int main(void)
    int result = 0, 
        i = 0, 
        x = 0, 
        amount = 0;
        printf("Input the amount of coefficients(include zero.):");
        scanf("%d", &amount);
    } while (amount <= 0);

    int a[amount];
    printf("Input the cofficients(Like:x,y,z  or  x y z):");
    for (i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
        scanf("%d", &a[i]);

    printf("Input the x:");
    scanf("%d", &x);

    result = horner_iterative(a, amount - 1, x);
    printf("The result is :%d", result);

    return 0;

2013-3-11, 在此补上旧文链接。

旧文链接: Horner规则的递归实现

旧文链接: Horner规则的迭代版本


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